Food and beverage technology
Waste water treatment technology


Consulting and strategy development

  • Development strategy, tactics, steps program
  • Strategic thinking
  • Organisation
  • Controlling instruments
  • Scenario
  • Short- and long-term planning

    Efficiency increase, reconstruction and rationalisation

  • Cost analysis - Definition of the optimum cost - structure
  • Decrease manufacturing cost - Efficiency increase program
  • Decrease fixed cost - Overhead value analysis

    Technical support and technical project management

  • Project planning
  • Analysis of material flow
  • Discussion of alternatives
  • Rough planning of single projects
  • Projektliste
  • Rough cost estimation
  • Rough planning of time schedule
  • List of main obligations
  • Approval time and cost plans

  • Project enforcement
  • Detail planning of single project
  • Detail planning of time schedule
  • Offering documents
  • Supplier inquiry of main components
  • Examination of offers
  • Placing of main components
  • Preparation of site
  • Placing local work
  • Placing assembly
  • Site coordination
  • Time schedule check up

  • Project documentation
  • Project control
  • Monthly check up costs
  • Monthly check up time schedule
  • Deviation analysis
  • Reporting
    Time management
      Category in 'Consulting' 
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