Food and beverage technology
Waste water treatment technology


Our goal is to provide accurate support to our clients


We will advise you on first drafts for a precise definition of your project - from the scale at the entrance of your company across your production technology up to a fully automated warehouse - and will give you a good market survey from an autonomous point of view.


We will plan with you a cost optimal and individual solution for your problems, including existing components as well as new mechanical, electrical and electronical components and innovating process-managing systems.


We will accurately realize the approved project.


For that we can do all necessary work such as assembly of machines, tube welding with all systems, special constructions, pre-assembly of valves or tanks, work in stainless steel, as far as starting up turnkey investment.


We can do automation on all processes from weighing equipment over several production procedures to fully automated warehouse movement


We offer turnkey solutions, because we are also specialized in automation techniques. We can give you optimal answers for the solution of your problems. We can offer well-known single steering components as well as fully automated process solutions with highly innovative process management systems, manufacturing data registration systems or quality control systems, including hard and software.

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